Because it's all pain, no gain
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This site was developed by concerned community members across the tunnelling routes to bring together information and provide the community with quick and easy ways to respond. Following extensive consultation with technical experts, RMS, The Premier and other relevant community members we believe that these plans represent a very high risk to our heavily impacted communities with very little return. We do not believe, based on the evidence, that this is an adequate solution for congestion and use of government funds.
Modern cities are moving toward clean mass transport options which move the maximum number of people efficiently whilst minimising impact on the environment and climate. Expert opinion and submissions to government which have informed our stance can be found in the technical section and have helped us develop both an interactive impact map and the summary sections below for each section of our community.
We are 100% grass roots and local....any help you can give to ensure the right solution is found would be very much appreciated and if you do not have the time please do consider donating so that we can continue the fight for on your behalf! Websites, admin, flyers and marketing all costs money and are essential to ensure that everyone in our community knows the facts.

Media Coverage
Here's what you need to know about the impacts
See the impacts

Will you be impacted by the Northern Beaches & Western Harbour tunnels? See the Google Impact Map

How to give tunnel feedback to the RMS

For homeowners: Northern Beaches Tunnel impacts